Hi. Welcome to hiimfxu!
This has been a long term passion project of mine. I am so excited (and to be honest, a little scared) that it has finally come to fruition and that I am able to share it with all of you. The journey thus far has been exciting, tough and emotional. There's so much to learn but when I look at where I started, I see growth and I look forward to discover where this will lead me creatively. I hope that you enjoy the story of hiimfxu and will continue to accompany me on this journey.
I'm going to to try post here as often as possible about the brand and it's products. I promise, they will be meaningful. In the next post, I'll introduce to you why hiimfxu as the brand name. Please come back and check it out.
I would like to express my sincerest and most humble gratitude to my family and friends who have given me so much support with this journey. Without you, this absolutely would not have been possible. I am so grateful for all of your talents and words of encouragements. I know that every time you asked, "How's your project going?", my response was always, "It's going. Slowly."... But now you can see all of what you've helped me accomplish.
So much love!